The Mary Queen of Peace Parish Board of Education serves as an advisory committee to the Pastor, Principal, and Director of Faith Formation on matters of policy concerning parish education programs including but not limited to school, PSR (referred to as Whole Family Catechesis for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond), and other educational programs.
The Board will act in accordance with policies that are used by the Archdiocesan School Board including, but not limited to interpreting and applying the policies.
The Board of Education can consist of approximately twelve members, including parents of children registered in the full-time school, parents of children in the Parish School of Religion (referred to as Whole Family Catechesis for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond) and parishioners with no children enrolled in either school. Board members serve a three-year term with new members coming on the board in the spring of each year.
Board meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month, September through June, excluding December. Non-members may address the Board at regular meetings by advance request to the President at least 3 days prior to the meeting, stating name and topic.
2024-2025 Board of Education
Pastor - Fr. Craig Holway Principal - Heather Fanning DRE - Pam Miller President – Kelly Pimmel Vice President – Katie Basara Secretary - Beth Ward Past President - Tricia Steffens Board Members: Dan Abel Patrick Feagan Steve Notestine Beth Radefeld Lisa Schulte Mary Speciale