Please submit all outstanding documents:
Kdg, 3rd, 6th and ANY New Students: physical (dated within one year of the first day of school), updated immunization record
Any New Students: baptismal certificate, birth certificate
Learn How to Use the FACTS Student Information System (SiS)
FACTS SiS is the school's web-based school information system used to view your child's grades, and manage/view your tuition account.
Join Flocknote
Some school and parish messages are shared through Flocknote
Like Us on Facebook!
Please visit our FaceBook page:
Follow Us on Instagram!
Please visit our Instagram page:
Order Uniforms
You can buy used uniforms at a fraction of new cost through the MQP Uniform Resale group on Facebook.
Just Me Apparel (636-391-9551; sells MQP girls' jumpers and skirts as well as all other uniform apparel. Skirts and jumpers MUST have been originally purchased from Just Me Apparel due to the unique plaid.
You may purchase other uniform items from other vendors (Target, Lands' End, etc.) as long as they meet MQP’s uniform code.
Buy School Supplies
You may order supplies through a service provided by MQP's Home & School Association. Alternatively, you may purchase supplies on your own.
Attend the New Family Pizza Party
This party is for new families and is held the Friday prior to the start of school on the MQP parking lot.
Meet Your Buddy Family
Each new family is assigned a buddy family. You should be contacted by your buddy family a week or two before school starts. This family will help answer questions about school routines, upcoming events, etc. Feel free to contact your buddy family if you have questions throughout the year.
Sign-Up for Volunteer Activities
These activities include planning holiday parties for your child's classroom, volunteering as field trip chaperons, helping at school events, etc. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis. .
Attend a Prevent and Protect Workshop
Look for communication on FastDirect or visit to find an upcoming workshop at MQP or nearby. To work with our children, you must attend a workshop, submit a background check, and submit code of ethics forms to MQP.
Attend the Ice Cream Social
The Ice Cream Social is MQP's welcome back-to-school day for students and their families to meet their teachers, visit new classrooms, and drop off school supplies.
This event is held the Sunday before school starts. Many key events occur during the Ice Cream Social: pick up pre-ordered school supplies, sign up for cafeteria and traffic duty, sign up for auction parties, sign up for scouts, etc.
Back to School Night
Back to School Night is held within the week before school. Parents are provided with an opportunity to briefly meet their child's teacher, see their child's classroom and hear what the school year will entail. This is a parent’s only event.
Use the driveway between the church and school. Proceed to the orange cones behind school (on the right) and stop at the farthest cone available before letting your child out of the car.
To keep the flow of traffic going, make sure your child is ready to unbuckle and exit the car after you stop. Please do not allow your child to get out of the car before you get to the drop off area. Your child should exit the car on the passenger side. Parents and students may not walk in between cars. Please walk along the fence behind the cones (not between the cars).
If your child needs assistance, or if you need to get out of your car for any reason, please park your car in an open space behind the church and walk your child to the school building along the fence behind the cones (not between the cars).
Once the students are clear of traffic, proceed along the cones and out of the parking lot. Please watch and stop for parents and students walking to/from the parking lot. Exit along the east side of the rectory.
You may drop-off your child as early as 7:30am. If you arrive after 7:50am, please park in the designated spaces in front of the school office and walk your children to the office to check them in. Students who arrive after 7:50am will receive a late slip from the office. Please do not drop your student off in the back lot after 7:50am.
Preschool Pick-Up
Half-day preschooler students may be picked up in front of the school at 11:30am. Full-day preschoolers line up against the wall on the back parking lot, in-between the two southwest doors. If the school has noon dismissal, half day preschoolers follow the full day pick-up procedure at noon.
Kdg.-8 Pick-Up
Use the entrance closest to Berry Road, drive through the yellow gates and park behind the school. Cars park in lines the full length of the parking lot.
Please do not park behind the blue line indicating the end of each parking line; this blocks a door where students exit the building. The first line of cars starts closest to the church and school. Each new line gets closer to the fence. The yellow gates open 45-minutes before school ends and are closed 15-minutes before students are dismissed.
If you arrive after the gates have been closed for dismissal, you must wait behind the gates until the parking lot clears. When the gates re-open, you may enter the back lot to pick-up your child. After all students are dismissed, students and parents are in their vehicles and the parking lot is free of children, cars will be allowed to proceed out of the parking lot one row at a time.
Please follow the direction of the staff. You will exit along the east side of the rectory. Afternoon parking on Lockwood Court is strongly discouraged and cars may not park on Lockwood Avenue.
Inclement Weather Schedule
Occasionally, school is canceled or will open late due to inclement weather. We will utilize email, parent alert system, and social media to notify families. The message will indicate the start time of school or a full closure.
Students may purchase a lunch or bring a packed lunch. If your child’s lunch should be kept cold, please send a cold pack in the lunch box; refrigerators are not available. Lunches, milk, water and other beverages are available for purchase as well as fruit, snacks and desserts. The lunch menu will be posted in FACTS.
When your child is unavoidably absent, please call the main school number and follow the prompt (press 1) and leave a message by 9:00am. to report the absence (or in advance for known absences). Please keep your child at home if he/she had a fever or vomited within the past 24 hours.
All visitors to the school must sign in at the school office, state the nature of the visit and wear a visitor sticker. When you leave the building, please sign out in the school office.
Weekly Eucharist
Students attend an all-school mass once a week at 8:15 am. Mass is on Wednesdays, but may be celebrated on other days depending on the week’s feast days. Each class takes a turn planning the liturgy. Parents can sit in the back of the church or fill in wherever seating is available after the students are seated.
First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation is celebrated during the first semester for Day School and Parish School of Religion (PSR) students.
First Communion
First Communion is celebrated during the Easter Season for Day School and Parish School of Religion (PSR) students.
Confirmation is celebrated for Day School and PSR students during the last semester. The exact date is selected by the Archbishop. Additional information will be provided once the date is determined.
Halloween Parade
A Halloween parade held either in the afternoon on Halloween day or the school day closest to October 31st. That day, children parade through the MQP parking lot and around the front of the school.
6th grade Camp
Each fall, 6th grade students are offered an optional outdoor-educational opportunity. Camp provides a three-day, two-night program consisting of team building and exploration activities lead by camp counselors with 24-hour parent supervision. Sixth grade parents will receive communication regarding the event, as well as details on the cost to participate, soon after school starts.
Catholic Schools Week
This is an annual celebration of Catholic Schools. Traditionally, there are a variety of fun activities planneed throughout the week.
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarteners finish school a few days earlier than the rest of the student body and a special graduation ceremony is held on their last day of school. The graduation consists of a prayer service in the church, followed by a musical performance and a cookie/punch reception in the school gym.
Additional details will be provided in May. Extended family is welcome to attend. Bring your cameras.
The Atrium
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an important part of the core curriculum. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based religion program that includes a hands-on space where children hear, ponder and celebrate the word of God. As part of this religious formation, the children gather in an “atrium,” a room which contains simple yet beautiful materials including things such as sculpted apostles around the Last Supper Table and a small altar that helps them learn about the Eucharist.
Stewardship Programs
MQP students are actively involved in our school Stewardship Program from PK-8. The program strives to teach our students that service is indeed a way of life! It emphasizes sharing our gifts from God to serve those in need. Students, teachers, staff and parent volunteers work together by grade to serve the following areas of need: needy, environment, elderly, hunger, disabled, military/veterans, homelessness, babies/children/adolescents, and social justice. For more information, visit the school website under Stewardship.
A family "fun-raiser" featuring brats, beverages other traditional German fare. It is held on a Sunday in September or early October in the parking lot. Free children's activities are also part of the mix.
Spring Festival
This parish-wide celebration is usually held on the last Saturday of April. Spring Festival kicks-off on Friday night with a "Parent's Night Out" party featuring a Silent Auction made up of class projects and auction party sign-ups.
In addition to the Silent Auction, $100 raffle tickets are sold as part of the Spring Festival (parishioners may purchase tickets jointly with another family); the winner receives a large cash prize. Saturday's events begin with a mass followed by a special launch event prior to opening carnival rides and games, food and family entertainment.
Kindergarten dads are responsible for clean-up duty after the Carnival closes. You may purchase tickets or wristbands for rides. You may also purchase tickets for food and games.
Box dinners are available and must be ordered in advance; pizza, burgers and hot dogs are available for purchase at the event. Wristbands and tickets are available at discount prices before the festival. T-shirts are also sold each year with the Spring Festival's theme and design.
Auction Parties
At the Silent Auction on Friday before Spring Festival, you can sign up to attend auction parties the following school year. These parties are hosted and paid for by MQP parents.
Look for an email with a list of party descriptions and dates so you can decide which ones you want to attend ahead of time. They are fun and a great way to mingle with other parents and support our school.
Scholastic Book Fair
Held in November, the book fair is the primary "book raiser" for our library and classroom libraries. There are a wide variety of Scholastic books for all ages available for sale. Profits from the book fair go to the school library and books for teachers.
Dinner Auction
This major fund raising event takes place in the gym and is held every other year. Volunteers and donations are always needed for all aspects of this event.
Room Parents
Each homeroom has a room parent that assists with sign-ups, class activities and service projects. You can sign-up to be a room parent in your child’s classroom at the Ice Cream Social.
Traffic Duty
Parent volunteers are needed to patrol three locations in the morning and four locations in the afternoon. It requires a 20-minute commitment once a month either in the afternoon (children may wait for parents in the school lobby). You may sign up for traffic duty at the Ice Cream Social or on SignUpGenius.
Cafeteria Duty
Four parent-volunteers are needed to work in the cafeteria each day. It requires about a 90-minute commitment. You may sign up for cafeteria duty at the Ice Cream Social or on SignUpGenius.
Staff Gift Fund
A special fund is collected twice a year at Christmas and the end of the year.
Contributions are voluntary but are very much appreciated. The fund is dispersed equally to all school faculty and staff members. This fund was created to replace usual Christmas gifts and year-end gifts.
Breakfast with Santa
This is a fun parish event generally held the first Sunday in December. It is a morning full of activity with many craft stations and games, breakfast and a visit with Santa Claus.
Pictures are available for purchase.
Cub Scouts
Boys in grades 1-5 may participate in Cub Scouts. Boys are placed in dens with boys of similar age and meet once or twice a month. Cub Scouts also have a pack meeting once a month where all the dens meet together. Parents and boys participate in community service activities, an annual pizza fund raiser, camp outs, Scout Sunday, Mother-Cub Breakfast and many other fun activities. Dens are led by parent volunteers called Den Leaders.
Boy Scouts
Young men in grades 6-12 may participate in Boy Scouts. Boys are not required to have been involved in Cub Scouts to join Boy Scouts. Scouts meet once or twice a month and participate in community service projects, camping and hiking trips, and many other activities to earn badges. In Boy Scouts, boys take a more active role in leadership under the guidance of parent/leader volunteers.
Girl Scouts
Girls K–8 may participate in Girl Scouts. Girls are placed in troops with other girls of similar age and usually meet once or twice a month. The girls participate in many activities such as camping, field trips, community service projects, Scout Sunday, Father-Daughter Dance, crafts, games and songs. The girls also earn badges and participate in annual Girl Scout Cookie sales. Troops are organized and lead by parent volunteers.
The MQP Athletic Association offers many sports opportunities to the parish youth.
The athletic program is not school sponsored and is open to all youth of the parish,
no matter where they attend school. Visit To register, look for communication via MQP Weekly, email or flocknote.
Basketball is a winter sport offered in grades 3-8. Children participate in CYC Leagues. Registration begins in October.
These are spring/summer sports offered for PreK-8. PreK children are in T-ball with the St. Peters Parish located in Kirkwood. Grades K-2 participate in Coach Pitch CYC Leagues. Grades 3-8 participate in CYC Leagues. Registration begins in January.
Soccer is a summer/fall sport offered for PreK-8. Registration begins in April.
Volleyball is a fall sport offered for grades 3-8. Registration is in May.
MQP participates in the CYC Tri-County Golf League. It is an instructional program for boys and girls of all levels of experience in grades 2-8 and is organized in two leagues. The Training League, grades 2-4, is noncompetitive and focuses on instruction, rules and play. The Junior League is for grades 5-8, although more experienced 4th grade golfers may play in this league
Track is a spring sport offered for grades K-8. Registration begins in January.
Uniform and Team Selection
PreK T-ball and soccer players wear shirts distributed at a practice before the first game; the cost is included in the registration fee. Children ages K-4 wear an "all-sports" jersey for soccer, volleyball and baseball/softball. Contact the Athletic Association Uniforms
Coordinator listed in the MQP Parish Buzz Book to purchase a jersey and reserve a number for your child. Your child will use that number until fourth grade when sports specific jerseys are issued. Jerseys may be passed from sibling to sibling in a family if there aren't number conflicts on the team.
Teams for children in grades K-2 are randomly drawn. In grades 3-4, teams are formed with input from the child's previous coaches to ensure teams are equally balanced in abilities. In grades 5-8, team try-outs are held, if necessary, and "A," "B," and "C" teams are formed.
Also, grades 5-8 teams may play in "open" or "closed" leagues. Teams that play in "closed" leagues may not have athletes who play the same sport on another "select” team during the same season on them. Athletes are required to have CYC cards to play on a team. Obtain a card at or by calling 314-792-7606.
You will need one of the following for verification of birth date: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, current or expired CYC card, passport or valid driver's license.
Important Telephone Numbers And Websites
Please submit all outstanding documents:
Kdg, 3rd, 6th and ANY New Students: physical (dated within one year of the first day of school), updated immunization record,
Any New Students: baptismal certificate, birth certificate
Learn How to Use the FACTS Student Information System (SiS)
FACTS SiS is the school's web-based school information system used to communicate with teachers, school staff and parents, view your child's grades, and manage/view your tuition account.
Join Flocknote
Some school and parish messages are shared through Flocknote
Like Us on Facebook!
Please visit our FaceBook page:
Follow Us on Instagram!
Please visit our Instagram page:
Order Uniforms
You can buy used uniforms at a fraction of new cost through the MQP Uniform Resale group on Facebook. Just Me Apparel (636-391-9551; sells MQP girls' jumpers and skirts as well as all other uniform apparel. Skirts and jumpers MUST have been originally purchased from Just Me Apparel due to the unique plaid. You may purchase other uniform items from other vendors (Target, Lands' End, etc.) as long as they meet MQP’s uniform code found on the school website under Resources / Policies & Handbooks.
Buy School Supplies
You may order supplies through a service provided by MQP's Home & School Association. An order form is provided to new families during the summer or through communication on FastDirect for existing families. Alternatively, you may purchase supplies on your own. A list of supplies needed by grade is found on the school website under Resources / Class Supply List and in the Fast Direct LINKS. Your Kdg. - 8 child will also need to bring a full size backpack each day. Preschoolers are provided with a tote bag.
Attend the New Families Pizza Party
This party is for new families and is held the Friday prior to the start of school on the MQP parking lot.
Meet Your Buddy Family
Each new family is assigned a buddy family. You should be contacted by your buddy family a week or two before school starts. This family will help answer questions about school routines, upcoming events, etc. Feel free to contact your buddy family if you have questions throughout the year.
Sign-Up for Volunteer Activities
These activities include planning holiday parties for your child's classroom, volunteering as field trip chaperons, helping at school events, etc. Sign-ups are on a first-come, first-served basis. Look for communication on FastDirect with a link to the sign-up on SignUpGenius.
Attend a Prevent and Protect Workshop
Look for communication on FastDirect or visit to find an upcoming workshop at MQP or nearby. To work with our children, you must attend a workshop, submit a background check, and submit code of ethics forms to MQP.
Attend the Ice Cream Social
The Ice Cream Social is MQP's welcome back-to-school day for students and their families to meet their teachers, visit new classrooms, and drop off school supplies. It is held the Sunday before school starts. Many key events occur during the Ice Cream Social: pick up pre-ordered school supplies and uniforms, view class assignments, sign up for cafeteria and traffic duty, sign up for auction parties, sign up for scouts, etc.
Look for a Sign in Your Front Yard - New students
On the eve of the first day of school, a sign will be placed in your yard welcoming your child to MQP. The signs are generally placed after dark and will remain in your yard for a week before being picked up. You make keep the balloon that's attached to the sign. We will reuse the sign next year.
Back to School Night
Back to School Night is held within the first two weeks of the start of school. Parents are provided with an opportunity to briefly meet their child's teacher, see their child's classroom and hear what the school year will entail. This is a parent’s only event. TIP! Many parents leave a note and a piece of candy on their child’s desk/cubby to surprise them the next day.
Use the driveway between the church and school. Proceed to the orange cones behind school (on the right) and stop at the farthest cone available before letting your child out of the car. To keep the flow of traffic going, make sure your child is ready to unbuckle and exit the car after you stop. Please do not allow your child to get out of the car before you get to the drop off area. Your child should exit the car on the passenger side. Parents and students may not walk in between cars. Please walk along the fence behind the cones (not between the cars).
If your child needs assistance, or if you need to get out of your car for any reason, please park your car in an open space behind the church and walk your child to the school building along the fence behind the cones (not between the cars).
Once the students are clear of traffic, proceed along the cones and out of the parking lot. Please watch and stop for parents and students walking to/from the parking lot. Exit along the east side of the rectory.
You may drop-off your child as early as 7:30 a.m. If you arrive after 7:50 a.m., please park in the designated spaces in front of the school office and walk your children to the office to check them in. Students who arrive after 7:50 a.m. will receive a late slip from the office. Please do not drop your student off in the back lot after 7:50 a.m.
Preschool Pick-Up
Half day preschoolers may be picked up in front of the school at 11:30 a.m. Full day preschoolers line up against the wall on the back parking lot, inbetween the two southwest doors. If the school has noon dismissal, half day preschoolers follow the full day pick-up procedure at noon.
K-8 Pick-Up
Use the entrance closest to Berry Road, drive through the yellow gates and park behind the school. Cars park in lines the full length of the parking lot. Please do not park behind the blue line indicating the end of each parking line; this blocks a door where students exit the building. The first line of cars starts closest to the church and school. Each new line gets closer to the fence. The yellow gates open 45 minutes before school ends and are closed 15 minutes before students are dismissed.
If you arrive after the gates have been closed for dismissal, you must wait behind the gates until the parking lot clears. When the gates re-open, you may enter the back lot to pick-up your child. After all students are dismissed, students and parents are in their vehicles and the parking lot is free of children, cars will be allowed to proceed out of the parking lot one row at a time. Please follow the direction of the staff. You will exit along the east side of the rectory. Afternoon parking on Lockwood Court is strongly discouraged and cars may not park on Lockwood Avenue.
Inclement Weather Schedule
Occasionally, school is canceled or will open late due to inclement weather. We will utilize email, phone blast system, FastDirect, the website and Facebook to notify families The message will indicate the start time of school or a full closure.
Students may purchase a lunch or bring a packed lunch. If your child’s lunch should be kept cold, please send a cold pack in the lunch box; refrigerators are not available. Lunches, milk, water and other beverages are available for purchase as well as fruit, snacks and desserts. The lunch menu is available in the Fast Direct LINKS.
When your child is unavoidably absent, please call the main school number and follow the prompt (press 1) and leave a message by 9:00 a.m. to report the absence (or in advance for known absences). Please keep your child at home if he/she had a fever or vomited within the past 24 hours.
All visitors to the school must sign in at the school office, state the nature of the visit and wear a visitor badge. When you leave the building, please sign out in the school office and return your badge.
Weekly Eucharist
Students attend an All School Mass once a week at 8:15 a.m. Mass on Wednesdays, but may be celebrated other days depending on the week’s feast days. Each class takes a turn planning the liturgy. Parents can sit in the back of church or fill in wherever seating is available after the students are seated.
First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation is celebrated during first semester for Day School and Pairsh School of Religion (PSR) students. We provide First Reconciliation Preparation prior to First Reconciliation.
First Communion
First Communion is celebrated during the Easter Season for Day School and Parish School of Religion (PSR) students. We provide First Communion Preparation prior to First Communion.
Confirmation is celebrated for Day School and PSR students during the last semester on a date selected by the Archbishop. Additional information is provided once the date is determined.
Halloween Parade
A Halloween parade held either on Halloween day or the school day closest to October 31st in the afternoon. That day, children parade through the MQP parking lot and around the front of the school.
6th grade camp
Each fall, we offer an optional outdoor educational opportunity for the sixth grade students. Camp provides a three-day, two night program consisting of team building and exploration activities lead by camp counselors with 24-hour parent supervision. Sixth grade parents will receive communication regarding the event, as well as details on the cost to participate, soon after school starts.
Catholic Schools Week
This is an annual celebration of Catholic Schools. Traditionally, there are a variety of fun activities planneed throughout the week.
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarteners finish school a few days earlier than the rest of the student body and a special graduation ceremony is held on their last day of school. The graduation consists of a prayer service in the church, followed by a musical performance and a cookie/punch reception in the school gym. Additional details will be provided in May. Extended family is welcome to attend. Bring your cameras. TIP! It is customary for kindergarteners and eighth grade buddies to exchange gifts after the ceremony.
Eighth Grade Graduation
Eighth grade students also end school a few days earlier than the rest of the student body. Generally, eighth grade students have a graduation practice after kindergarten graduation and then are dismissed. Special ceremonies and gatherings are held to celebrate the end of the students' time at MQP School.
Family Nights
Our Parish Council sponsors two school nights a year where no parish activities are scheduled and no homework is assigned, providing families a break from their usual schedules and a chance to reconnect with quality family time.
The Atrium
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an important part of the core curriculum. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based religion program that includes a hands-on space where children hear, ponder and celebrate the word of God. As part of this religious formation, the children gather in an “atrium,” a room which contains simple yet beautiful materials including things such as sculpted apostles around the Last Supper Table and a small altar that helps them learn about the Eucharist.
Stewardship Programs
MQP students are actively involved in our school Stewardship Program from K-8. The program strives to teach our students that service is indeed a way of life! It emphasizes sharing our gifts from God to serve those in need. Students, teachers, staff and parent volunteers work together by grade to serve the following areas of need: needy, environment, elderly, hunger, disabled, military/veterans, homelessness, babies/children/adolescents, and social justice. For more information, visit the school website under Stewardship.
A family "fun-raiser" featuring brats, beverages other traditional German fare. It is held on a Sunday in September or early October in the parking lot. Free children's activities are also part of the mix.
Spring Festival
This parish-wide celebration is usually held on the last Saturday of April. Spring Festival kicks-off on Friday night with a "Parent's Night Out" party featuring a Silent Auction made up of class projects and auction party sign-ups. In addition to the Silent Auction, $100 raffle tickets are sold as part of the Spring Festival (parishioners may purchase tickets jointly with another family); the winner receives a large cash prize. Saturday's events begin with a mass followed by a special launch event prior to opening carnival rides and games, food and family entertainment. Kindergarten dads are responsible for clean-up duty after the Carnival closes. You may purchase tickets or wristbands for rides. You may also purchase tickets for food and games. Box dinners are available and must be ordered in advance; pizza, burgers and hot dogs are available for purchase at the event. Wristbands and tickets are available at discount prices before the festival. T-shirts are also sold each year with the Spring Festival's theme and design.
Auction Parties
At the Silent Auction on Friday before Spring Festival, you can sign up to attend auction parties the following school year. These parties are hosted and paid for by MQP parents. Look for an email with a list of party descriptions and dates so you can decide which ones you want to attend ahead of time. They are fun and a great way to mingle with other parents and support our school.
Scholastic Book Fair
Held in November, the book fair is the primary "book raiser" for our library and classroom libraries. There are a wide variety of Scholastic books for all ages available for sale. Profits from the book fair go to the school library and books for teachers.
Dinner Auction
This major fund raising event takes place in the gym and is held every other year. Volunteers and donations are always needed for all aspects of this event.
Room Parents
Each homeroom has a room parent that assists with sign-ups, class activities and service projects. You can sign-up to be a room parent in your child’s classroom at the Ice Cream Social.
Traffic Duty
Parent volunteers are needed to patrol three locations in the morning and four locations in the afternoon. It requires a 20 minute commitment once a month either in the afternoon (children may wait for parents in the school lobby). You may sign up for traffic duty at the Ice Cream Social or on SignUpGenius.
Cafeteria Duty
Four parent volunteers are needed to work in the cafeteria each day. It requires about a 90 minute commitment. You may sign up for cafeteria duty at the Ice Cream Social or on SignUpGenius.
Staff Gift Fund
A special fund is collected twice a year at Christmas and the end of the year. Contributions are voluntary but are very much appreciated. The fund is dispersed equally to all school faculty and staff members. You can download special note cards to write notes to teachers and staff members from the school website under Resources / Downloadable Forms. This fund was created to replace usual Christmas gifts and year-end gifts.
Breakfast with Santa
This is a fun parish event generally held the first Sunday in December. It is a morning full of activity with many craft stations and games, breakfast and a visit with Santa Claus. Pictures are available for purchase.
Cub Scouts
Boys in grades 1-5 may participate in Cub Scouts. Boys are placed in dens with boys of similar age and meet once or twice a month. Cub Scouts also have a pack meeting once a month where all the dens meet together. Parents and boys participate in community service activities, an annual pizza fund raiser, camp outs, Scout Sunday, Mother-Cub Breakfast and many other fun activities. Dens are led by parent volunteers called Den Leaders.
Boy Scouts
Young men in grades 6-12 may participate in Boy Scouts. Boys are not required to have been involved in Cub Scouts to join Boy Scouts. Scouts meet once or twice a month and participate in community service projects, camping and hiking trips, and many other activities to earn badges. In Boy Scouts, boys take a more active role in leadership under the guidance of parent/leader volunteers.
Girl Scouts
Girls K–8 may participate in Girl Scouts. Girls are placed in troops with other girls of similar age and usually meet once or twice a month. The girls participate in many activities such as camping, field trips, community service projects, Scout Sunday, Father-Daughter Dance, crafts, games and songs. The girls also earn badges and participate in annual Girl Scout Cookie sales. Troops are organized and lead by parent volunteers.
The MQP Athletic Association offers many sports opportunities to the parish youth. The athletic program is not school sponsored and is open to all youth of the parish, no matter where they attend school. Visit To register, look for communication on FastDirect, MQP Weekly, email or flocknote.
Basketball is a winter sport offered in grades 3-8. Children participate in CYC Leagues. Registration begins in October.
These are spring/summer sports offered for Pre-K - 8. Pre-K children are in T-ball with the St. Peters Parish located in Kirkwood. Grades K-2 participate in Coach Pitch CYC Leagues. Grades 3-8 participate in CYC Leagues. Registration begins in January.
Soccer is a summer/fall sport offered for Pre-K - 8. Registration begins in April.
Volleyball is a fall sport offered for grades 3 - 8. Registration is in May.
MQP participates in the CYC Tri-County Golf League. It is an instructional program for boys and girls of all levels of experience in grades 2–8 and is organized in two leagues. The Training League, grades 2- 4, is noncompetitive and focuses on instruction, rules and play. The Junior League is for grades 5–8, although more experienced 4th grade golfers may play in this league
Track is a spring sport offered for grades K-8. Registration begins in January.
Uniform and Team Selection
Pre-K T-ball and soccer players wear shirts distributed at a practice before the first game; the cost is included in the registration fee. Children ages K-4 wear an "all-sports" jersey for soccer, volleyball and baseball/softball. Contact the Athletic Association Uniforms Coordinator listed in the MQP Buzz Book to purchase a jersey and reserve a number for your child. Your child will use that number until fourth grade when sports specific jerseys are issued. Jerseys may be passed from sibling to sibling in a family if there aren't number conflicts on the team. Teams for children in grades K – 2 are randomly drawn. In grades 3-4, teams are formed with input from the child's previous coaches to ensure teams are equally balanced in abilities. In grades 5-8, team try-outs are held, if necessary, and "A," "B," and "C" teams are formed. Also, grades 5-8 teams may play in "open" or "closed" leagues. Teams that play in "closed" leagues may not have athletes who play the same sport on another "select” team during the same season on them. Athletes are required to have CYC cards to play on a team. Obtain a card at or by calling 314-792-7606. You will need one of the following for verification of birth date: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, current or expired CYC card, passport or valid driver's license. Look for information regarding sign-ups for sports in the church bulletin or in your child's Friday folder.